On the occasion of our tenth anniversary, Josep Call will offer some courses in December on cognition in great apes. In addition, we are setting the basis to start a joint collaboration between the Max Planck Institute and the Mona Research Unit.
MONA, Antena 3 and the TV producers are meeting next week to discuss use of a chimp in a Spanish TV game show
This is very good news that they are finally listening to us and those responsible for the programe have confirmed that representatives of Antena 3 and the two producers want to hear our voice.
This 2011 we are celebrating the first 10th Anniversary of this project and have scheduled a series of activities and events throughout the year to celebrate it.
Today Feb. 10th officially begins the start of these events with the presence of…
Conference given by Carme Vidal, Director Lwiro’s Primate Rehabilitation Center in (DR Congo) at the Mona Foundation
Congolinas, twende kucheza
These beautiful dolls represent Congolese women and are completely hand made at the Heri Kwetu centre in Bukavo, RD Congo.
Heri Kwetu works to secure a present and a future for both the physically and mentally handicapped people in the Kivu region, one of the poorest and severely war-torn areas in Africa.
Registration for 2011 courses is now open

Primates Nº 21
You can read here the journal Primates No. 21
Thank you Healthspan
It’s been an extremely difficult day for us at MONA. We end it with the sad news that our dear Romie has passed away.
As we informed you yesterday, today she was to undergo surgery to remove the uterine mass we found during a special health check on Tuesday. Unfortunately, during the operation we discovered with great shock that most of her organs were seriously affected by tumors, Romie had been living her normal life until last weekend when she didn’t want to join her group outside in the big enclosures. Her health had rapidly declined since then and we now know why. Her body was not been able to cope with the surgery that merely would have extended her suffering for a few more days.
We will always remember her as our sweet Romie, and hope that over time the family will learn to live without her, as so will we. Once more we thank you for your support which has enabled her to live at MONA in what were surely the best years of her life.
MONA Foundation