1 04, 2011

The primatologist William McGrew of Cambridge University visits us

From the 31st March to the 1st April William C McGrew learnt all about the rehabilitation and resocialization work, taking place at the MONA Foundation’s Rescue Centre in Riudellots de la Selva.
One of the main objectives was to conduct a workshop about the research projects that MONA has undertaken over the last few years on the subjects of human evolution and animal wellbeing.


19 02, 2011


On the occasion of our tenth anniversary, Josep Call will offer some courses in December on cognition in great apes. In addition, we are setting the basis to start a joint collaboration between the Max Planck Institute and the Mona Research Unit.


10 02, 2011


This 2011 we are celebrating the first 10th Anniversary of this project and have scheduled a series of activities and events throughout the year to celebrate it.

Today Feb. 10th officially begins the start of these events with the presence of…

19 01, 2011

Conference given by Carme Vidal, Director Lwiro’s Primate Rehabilitation Center in (DR Congo) at the Mona Foundation

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For the Mona Foundation it is an honor and pleasure to have Carme visiting us. 10 years have already passed since she participated in the rescue of the first group of chimpanzees that were to be housed at Mona. As an acknowledgement, Mona aims to help spread Lwiro’s project and collaborate with the donation of enrichment material and animal medication.


31 12, 2010

Congolinas, twende kucheza

Coming directly from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mona is delighted to offer for a limited period only “Congolinas twende kuchesa” dolls (translated, literally means “come and play”!), a solidary and original gift.
These beautiful dolls represent Congolese women and are completely hand made at the Heri Kwetu centre in Bukavo, RD Congo.
Heri Kwetu works to secure a present and a future for both the physically and mentally handicapped people in the Kivu region, one of the poorest and severely war-torn areas in Africa.


29 12, 2010

Registration for 2011 courses is now open

Tico per MllorenteFrom next Monday 27 December the enrollment period will be open for the various 2011 courses. We will be offering a total of 18 courses structured in 5 areas: Primatology and Ethology, Conservation and Management, Human Evolution, Photography and Drawing, and Natural Sciences. These will consist of: Primate Cognition Seminars I and II, Chimpanzee Protection; Naturalistic Drawing and Improvement in Nature Photography, amongst others. New developments have been the addition of two courses on the Management and Care of Primates course, and a further level on the Origins and Evolution of Human Behavior II course.


11 12, 2010

Thank you Healthspan

HS logo & strap RGB Jul09
Many thanks to Healthspan, the UK’s leading home shopping supplier of vitamins, minerals and health supplements for their generosity in providing vitamins for the chimps. Healthspan have agreed to supply Gold A-Z multivitamins, Omega 3 for all of the chimps and Vitamin E to treat Marco’s illness. Chris Fisher, Healthspan’s senior brand manager said “Healthspan are delighted to help towards the excellent work of the Mona foundation”.

See www.healthspan.co.uk

12 11, 2010


It’s been an extremely difficult day for us at MONA. We end it with the sad news that our dear Romie has passed away.

As we informed you yesterday, today she was to undergo surgery to remove the uterine mass we found during a special health check on Tuesday. Unfortunately, during the operation we discovered with great shock that most of her organs were seriously affected by tumors, Romie had been living her normal life until last weekend when she didn’t want to join her group outside in the big enclosures. Her health had rapidly declined since then and we now know why. Her body was not been able to cope with the surgery that merely would have extended her suffering for a few more days.

We will always remember her as our sweet Romie, and hope that over time the family will learn to live without her, as so will we. Once more we thank you for your support which has enabled her to live at MONA in what were surely the best years of her life.

MONA Foundation