She is a beautiful female of about 35 years and she will be the next chimp to be rescued by MONA.

linda de pie web

Short history about Linda

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Age: 35 years old according to the information we have been provided with

Before: smuggled from the wild in Cameroon.

Used as a touristic amusement on the beaches of Lanzarote, where she

was photographed ​​with the tourists.

Currently: living in a private house in Lanzarote,

imprisoned for years in a room.

Rescue by MONA: before Spring 2014

It’s been a couple of years since we learned of the existence of Linda. It was the owners who saw a documentary on television about MONA and contacted us so that we could take care of Linda and she would not have to live the rest of her life alone. Many visitors ask us how do we find out where there are  primates to rescue, and it is increasingly common that it is the owners who contact us, as it was the case of Katy, Àfrica, Tom, Coco, Bea and very soon Linda. Is it a sign of a positive change in our society? Are we moving towards a more respectful society with the other animals? We think so and are actively working on that  through our educative visits to do our bit to raise awareness, and educate about the need to respect and protect these amazing animals so close to us.

We could not rescue her before because when we knew of  her existence there was no order of confiscation processed by Customs. At about the same time we also knew about Tom, Coco and Bea and so these were the first lucky ones that we rescued. They are still in the process of association with the Family group, but they are progressing very well and when they are fully integrated we will be able to go get Linda, because finally the Ministry of Foreign Trade has determined that indeed the situation of Linda is illegal and she can be relocated to a rescue center. We wish we could go and rescue her right now, but the lack of support from the Authorities to the rescue centers of Spain makes the existing ones work to the limits of our abilities and unable to provide a fast solution for extreme cases such as this.

But let’s focus on the positive side of this. Soon Linda’s life will be completely different when we rescue her. She will no longer have a sad and lonely destiny. She’s 35 years old but it is never too late to learn how happy a life with others of your own kind can be.

Please help us rescue and take care of Linda. We need your help to cope with the previous veterinary costs, the transfer expenses and her maintenance for at least the first year, until we find enough sponsors to help cover the costs of the coming years, as chimpanzees can reach the 60 years of age.

How can you help us?

  • Making a donation through the fundraising campaign we have set for this ocasion:
  • Making a money transfer to la Caixa, ES 22, 2100-3078-97-2100532504, swift: CAIXES BBXXX   (Using Linda as the Concept)
  • Sending us a cheque made out to: Fundació Privada Mona c/ Narcís Monturiol, 5, 08170 Montornés del Vallés, Barcelona
  • By PayPal. (direct access on the header of our website, where it says “Please donate”)
  • Collaborating with the expenses of her food by donating 1€ a month at

Thanks a lot for your help!!

We will keep you updated!