11 11, 2010


We have to inform to you that tomorrow we will operate Romie.
Recently, we saw that she was not 100% and before yesterday we did a complete health check. We saw that she has a mass in the uterus, has also affected kidneys and the blood tests show she is weakened. So tomorrow we are proceeding to operate her.

We will keep you updated and as soon as we know something we will let you know via email.


4 11, 2010


The TV crew of KOPERNIK, a program for the diffusion of science, came to our centre to know about the projects and research hold by Mona’s Research Unit and Ethological Laboratory.

22 10, 2010


The Mona Fundation would like give our sincere thanks to the association Proanimals Segle XXI, in Mataró, a non profit association which was created in September 2001, the chairman of which was Cris Auferil, and has donated to us 1476,60 euros.

This centre for the protection of animals went into receivership and has given to us the remainder of their funds.
It was because of their dedication to animals that when the Parc de les Aus had to close down, they were concerned about the future of TICO and arranged for him to be transferred here to MONA. This is how we were first introduced.
It is thanks to these donations that we are able to continue with our project.
If you know of any other similar cases of this kind we would be grateful to be recommended.Thank you !
18 10, 2010

Skills acquired 7 million years ago

The preferential use of one hand over the other to perform certain tasks is a feature that reflects the functional division of the brain in the execution of a series of tasks. These findings are especially important from an evolutionary point of view and could explain the emergence of language or technology when this feature is present in humans.

23 09, 2010

MONA presents its latest projects at the XIII National and X-Latin American Conference on Ethology

As we have been doing since the 2006 edition, we took this opportunity to present the results of some of the latest projects currently being carried out: cognition, handedness, animal well-being and primate resocialization.

One of our prime objectives at this conference was to highlight the importance of ethology for us in two key areas: to help improve the well being of abused primates, and on the other hand provide ethoprimatological models to help explain the hominization process of the human being

22 07, 2010


logovirbacThis is the fourth consecutive year that, thanks to their donations of veterinary material we can save a considerable amount of money in provisions that are essential at the primate rehabilitation centre.

4 09, 2009


After expending some quarantine months and getting used to the routine of the centre, last August the 28th Africa finally went out for the first time into the socialising cages. At the beginning she was…