The exhibition PRIMART that we all know, collection of artwork made by our chimpanzees together with the team of Ignasi Blanch’s study in Barcelona, continues its route around Catalonia. And this time it’s traveling in good company, as it shares the program with the exhibition: “Jordi Sabater Pi, a life dedicated to science.”

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We want to thank the Foundation Lluís Coromina for having given the space in the room El Puntal, in Banyoles, You can visit it until October the 5th. Address: Carrer Girona 161,  Banyoles (Girona).

Click here to see pictures of the opening:

We take this opportunity to congratulate Ignasi Blanch for the big success of his new book 1714

Remember that you can send us your comments regarding PRIMArt at  We are looking forward to receive them!